Rabbi Mordechai Rhine ~ www.teach613.org
Bireishis / Genesis Chapter 19, ArtScroll Chumash Pages 84-91
- Who hosts the angels when they get to Sedom? What does he serve them? Why? (verses 1-3, commentary to verse 3)
- What did the people of Sedom want Lot to do to the guests? Why?
(verse 5, commentary beginning of page 87)
- Why did the angels tell Lot to hurry and get out of the city? (verse 15)
- What happened to Sedom? (verses 24-25)
- What happened to Lot’s wife? (verse 26)
- Where did Lot and his daughters find refuge? (verse 30)
- What was the idea that the daughters wanted to implement? (verse 32)
- What names did they call their children? Why?
(verses 37-38, and commentary)