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Drinking Wine on Purim

The Talmud describes a Mitzvah to drink on Purim until he does not know the difference between “Cursed is Haman, and blessed is Mordechai” which we discuss on take Ten for Talmud Megila 7- Drinking Wine on Purim. Following this statement, the Talmud relates a story of a terrible accident which occurred as a result of excessive drinking, and the Shulchan Aruch suggests that as a result of the accident, the Halachic conclusion is that “Some…

Study & Teach Torah

One of the primary goals of a human being is to study the words of Torah, its Mitzvos, and its way of thinking. Through this study we strive to maintain a close relationship with G-d. The Torah and its teachings are seen as the love letter between G-d and Man, as well as the instruction manual as to how to successfully live our lives. Among the fascinating studies within Torah is a body of literature focused on explanations for the Mitzvos. As…

Holocaust Denial (Topic)

THE NEWEST HOLOCAUST DENIERS by Rabbi Berel Wein Courtesy of published on 1/8/2016 I rarely if ever comment or disagree with pronouncements or public statements of other rabbis. These are people who are driven to publicity and even sensationalism and I never feel inclined to spoil their fun. However, every so often there comes along a rabbinic pronouncement so outrageous and damaging that even my reticent nature forces…

Online Coaching

“BRING OUT YOUR BEST” “A person cannot release himself from his limitations on his own. He needs a helper.” -Talmud “Two is Better Than One.” – Koheles 4:9 Rabbi Rhine is available for in person or online coaching focusing on relationships and personal growth. Do you have a relationship which you wish was so much better? Do you feel that you can be so much more, but don’t quite know how to do it?…

Parenting Chabura

Please join us on Zoom on Monday nights at 9 p.m. for Rabbi Rhine’s Parenting Chabura by TEACH613. For October and November sessions, our topic will be “Creating Good Habits to Last a Lifetime.“ As always, new attendees are welcome for all or any of the classes! Please contact us for the class Zoom link. Past classes are posted on the adjacent podcast link. We thank you for your participation. We ask participants to make a…

A Thoughtful Tribute upon the Murder of the Kidnapped Boys, June 2014

A Thoughtful Tribute upon the Murder of the Kidnapped Boys, June 2014 by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The world was plunged into mourning this afternoon with the news that the kidnapped boys had been killed. For days we were galvanized, each one doing his or her part, trying to ensure their safe return. I know that for some people the first reaction is to question,…

The Personal Freedom Experience: Tips to Facilitate a Memorable Pesach Seder for Today’s Generation

  By Rabbi Mordechai Rhine This article was originally written for the Vaad of Greater Washington Pesach Bulletin For the PDF version please click here When I was growing up in Monsey, NY, I knew a good-natured gentleman who was a community activist in Jewish education. American-born, he had learned in the Lithuanian-style yeshivos in his youth. His task, as he saw it, was to build a bridge for Jewish tradition to the contemporary…


KLINGHOFFER by Rabbi Berel Wein An elderly, crippled, wheel chair bound Jew by the name of Klinghoffer was thrown overboard from a cruise ship by Arab terrorists about a decade ago. Klinghoffer’s only crime was that he was Jewish. These facts are uncontested and well-documented. Nevertheless, in the name of artistic freedom, a play was written that justified the murderous deed and intimated that Klinghoffer’s murder was really the fault of the…

End of Life Issues

…Often when caring for a critically ill patient the decisions can be overwhelming. is a resource that can assist in responsible decision making and guidance through the end of life situation.  …

Chanah (Mother of Shmuel)

…If you would like to study the Talmud passages about Chanah’s prayer, you can click the 2 Take Ten for Talmud segments below. Harsh Prayers that were accepted: Chana’s Teffilah:…