Today’s Daf Session should be a merit for

Reuvein ben Sheindel and Nochum Dovid ben Tzipporah

Who wants to be challenged? We certainly don’t ask for it. But sometimes Hashem challenges us to induce growth and greatness.

possible In this session we explore the role of challenge and in what ways we embrace challenge and in what ways we look to avoid it.

For Hebrew text in pdf please click here

Quick Review:
Concept of Nisayon: To bring potential into practical manifestation
Neis= Banner / Neis= Miracle
Adversity causes greater merit, like tension increase of coach
1) Check behavior, 2) Bitul Torah, 3) Yesurim shel ahava
“Prefer not to have it” – But someone else must reach out to help.

Points you don’t want to miss:

On 5b, Rabbi Yochanan was able to release others from their distress by giving them a hand. But when Rabbi Yochanan was in his own distress, he could not release himself without someone else’s assistance. This teaches us that even the most capable person, when personally distressed, needs an outsider to provide a helping hand and a good word.


A Torah scholar is constantly reviewing his learning (Brachos 5a). Why is this so? Because Torah is described as “Uf” like an “Of,” a bird. If you don’t pay close attention to it, it will fly away. Only through constant review will one retain Torah. This is good reason to take notes, and to discuss learning with a Chavrusa, as these are methods of review and ways to achieve clarity.