Sugya Series,

Purim, The Mitzvos of the Day


The Festive Meal


1. It is a mitzvah to eat a festive meal on Purim. It is proper to also eat extra at night, but one does not fulfill this obligation through that. One should daven mincha early and eat most of the festive meal while it is daytime. (Shulchan Aruch 695:1-2)


2. Al Hanisim is recited in the second blessing of Birchas Hamazon. If he forgot to say it, he should not repeat the blessing, but rather insert the prayer at the end of Birchas Hamazon by saying “Horachamon”.


If the meal extended into the night, he should still say Al Hanisim when he recites Birchas Hamazon. (Shulchan Aruch 695:3, and Mishnah Berurah 15)


Drinking Wine:


3. A person is obligated to drink on Purim until he does not know the difference between “Cursed is Haman, and blessed is Mordechai.”


Some say this is unnecessary. A person should drink more than he is accustomed to; then he may go to sleep and thereby not know the difference between the two. One may do more or less, as long as his intent is for the sake of Heaven. (Shulchan Aruch 695:2)


4. A person is obligated to increase his joy on this day regarding food and drink, such that there is nothing that he is lacking. Nevertheless, there is no obligation for us to degrade ourselves. The obligation to rejoice refers not to frivolous and foolishness, but rather to joy of enjoyment that will bring us to love Hashem and thank Him for the miracles.

(Biur Halcha 695, quoting Meiri)


5. The point of this mitzvah is to rejoice. It follows that one should not drink so much that he loses his ability to contemplate the miracle. This is what they meant when they said, “until he does not know,” until, but not inclusive. From that point on, his drinking would be counterproductive.

(Yad Efraim commentary to SA 695)




Mishloach Manos


6. A person is obligated to send two food items to a friend. One who sends more is praiseworthy. It is proper that the items should be fully processed and ready to eat. (Shulchan Aruch 695:4; Mishnah Berurah 20)


Gifts to the poor


7. It is proper to give a half of the standard currency to tzedakah as a remembrance of the half shekel donations that were given to the Temple at this time of year. Since it says the word Terumah three times in that section of Torah, it is proper to give three such coins. They should be given on the day before Purim before Mincha. (Ramoh 694:1)


8. One is obligated to give at least two gifts to two poor people. It is more proper to increase in this mitzvah than to increase in one’s festive meal or in Mishloach Manos to one’s friends. The original two gifts come from one’s own money, the additional gifts are taken from Maaser money.

(Shulchan Aruch 694:1; Mishnah Berirah note 3)


9. We are not careful in our gifts on Purim. Anyone who “sticks out his hand” we give something to. (Shulchan Aruch 694 3)