Rules for Vsein Tal-

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine

During the winter months (starting approximately December 4) we recite a special request for the blessing of rain. This request is made during Shmoneh Esrei in the paragraph which deals with prosperity. Instead of simply saying, “Vsien Bracha-grant blessing,” we say, “Vsein Tal Umatar Livracha-grant dew and rain for blessing.”

Since this is a change in the text from what a person is used to saying throughout the summer season, there is a significant amount of halachic literature discussing what happens if a person mistakenly said the request of the summer during the winter when we are supposed to ask for the blessing of rain.

*If a person catches the mistake while they are still in the paragraph about prosperity, they should simply go back and recite the correct request, and then complete the blessing from there.  (Mishnah Berurah 117:15)

*If a person completed the blessing of prosperity, even if they did not yet begin the next blessing, they should simply continue in their Shmoneh Esrei until they get to the blessing of “Shema Koleinu” where they should recite the request in the same way that private requests may be made during this blessing. (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 117:5)

*If a person completed the blessing of “Shema Koleinu” –but did not yet start the next blessing when they realized their omission– they should recite this request at that point before they begin the next blessing.

* If a person did not realize the omission until they started the next blessing, but did not yet complete Shmoneh Esrei, they go back to the beginning of the blessing of prosperity and continue Shmoneh Esrei correctly from that point.

*If, however, a person has already completed Shmoneh Esrei (i.e. once they have recited the final “Yihiyu Liratzon,” before they actually take the steps back) they may no longer simply go back to the blessing of prosperity, but instead would have to begin Shmoneh Esrei again from the beginning.

There is an interesting law that if a person is unsure if he recited this prayer correctly, until 30 days of reciting the new seasonal text, we assume that the person said it incorrectly. However , once 30 days have elapsed of the new seasonal text we assume that the person has been habituated to the new text and recited it correctly. (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 114:8) This is based on the idea that over the course of 30 days there are a certain number of prayer services that are recited, and the person would therefore have developed the new habit. This 30 day rule would apply though even if per chance a person did not recite a particular service over the course of the month (i.e. due to illness), forgot to say this insert in its proper place and instead said it during “Shema Koleinu”, and even though “Vsein Tal” is not said as many times as “Mashiv Haruach” is said over a 30 day period because “Vsein Tal” is not recited on Shabbos. (Mishnah Berurah 114:37)

If a person wants, he or she can purposely train themselves to the new seasonal text by reciting the appropriate text 90 times. (Shulchan Aruch 114:9) Some maintain that a person should do this purposeful recital 101 times. (Mishnah Berurah 114:41) One is allowed to mix-and-match actual recital of Shmoneh Esrei with the number of times of purposeful recital to habituate oneself. Thus if a person recited the text purposefully 45 times, and it is 15 days since the change (x3 prayers each day), he has achieved the status of a person who recited the seasonal formula 90 times and can assume that he said the text correctly. (Mishnah Berurah 114:42)

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