The kitchen must be locked when not in use. Keys, or the lockbox combination, will be provided for authorized mashgichim. Anyone entrusted with the key or combination may not entrust the key or combination to anyone else without the Rabbi’s or Kashrus Coordinator’s approval. If the door needs to be opened for an authorized use, an authorized key holder should personally go and open the kitchen.
Before Shabbos
a. All cans and bottle caps should be opened before Shabbos.
b. All heating equipment (ovens, stoves, hot boxes, warmers, crock pots, coffee urns, etc.), used on Shabbos, should be turned on by a religious Jew prior to Shabbos. Lights must also be turned on before Shabbos. A gentile may not turn on ovens or crockpots at any time. He also may not plug in any urns on Shabbos. You may not ask him to do melocho and often hinting is also prohibited. Contact the Rav for any other Amira L’akum issues.
c. Stove tops, must be covered with a sheet of metal (blech) and all controlling knobs, switches, or dials of heating equipment, should be covered. Hot plates should be covered with an inverted cookie tin, (disposable or proper type dairy/meat) even if they do not have multiple heat settings. If they do have settings, these must also be covered.
Note: We do not put things in the oven for shabbos use, unless the oven is off before shabbos. Hot plates have been purchased and should be plugged in before shabbos with timers as needed. These should be covered with inverted cookie sheets. Cold, dry, fully cooked food may be placed on the inverted cookie sheets on the hot plates on shabbos morning. (For safety: Make sure wires are properly hooked to wall, and not at risk of touching the hot plate and melting.)
d. All liquids or foods containing liquid should be pre-cooked and hot (full boil) before Shabbos and placed in or on heating equipment prior to Shabbos. All foods should be precooked to a clearly edible state prior to Shabbos. They must be on the blech or in the oven or warmer by candle lighting time. If tea is being served, ‘tea essence’ must be prepared before Shabbos. If a water urn has an external tube (e.g. to show the water level), after the water is fully hot, one must release some water from the urn before Shabbos.
e. If ice will be used, one should place the ice cube trays in the freezer before Shabbos.
f. All fruit should be peeled and cut before Shabbos. Any designs on the fruit trays must be prepared before Shabbos.
g. Ensure that the city Eruv is up. Otherwise, all supplies and food must be brought in before Shabbos.
h. Jewish waiters for Shabbos jobs should also work on Erev Shabbos and/or after Shabbos (in accordance with havla’ah guidelines for paying them for their work).
On Shabbos
a. Nothing may be placed on or in the stove on Shabbos (even by a gentile). Similarly, one may not place food in the warmer on Shabbos. One may not ask a gentile to place food in the warmer, oven or on the stovetop.
b. Vegetable peelers may not be used on Shabbos.
c. On Shabbos, slotted spoons/colander may not be used with any foods containing liquids. Slotted spoons may also not be used to serve ice.
d. In general, ovens should be off before Shabbos begins. In certain cases, (when a non-Jew is removing food from the oven) authorization may be given by the Rav to leave the oven on with fully cooked food inside it when shabbos begins.
e. No chopping fruits or vegetables into small pieces on Shabbos.
f. Tea bags and coffee bags may not be used on Shabbos. Tea essence (prepared before Shabbos), instant tea powder, and instant coffee may be used.
g. No deliveries may be made to or from the event site by the caterer or any outside distributor on Shabbos.
h. No appliances, ovens, stoves, or any other gas or electric equipment may be turned on or off, even by a non-Jew on Shabbos. If there is a need to turn off an appliance on Shabbos (using a gentile) or one wishes to put equipment on a timer, the Rav should be consulted.
After the Meal on Shabbos
a. Only dishes whose type will be used on that Shabbos may be washed (e.g. Friday night for use on Shabbos day). Therefore, dishes may not be washed on Shabbos afternoon (one may not ask a gentile to wash dishes that are not necessary for Shabbos).
b. Following a kiddush or meal on Shabbos, one must clean the tables and chairs since the Social Hall may be used for other events on Shabbos. Tables and chairs should be put away as directed by the KC.
c. Preparations for Motzai Shabbos affairs may not begin until the “end of Shabbos” time posted in the shul schedule (50 minutes after sunset). This includes setting up tables.