(Regarding the topic of improper use of the Internet and “the addiction we dare not discuss,” please visit the video presentations featured on Guard Your Eyes https://gye.vids.io/ especially the sections of “Understanding Addiction,” “Technology Addiction,” and “Parenting”)


Presented by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine

January 13, 2016 at Southeast Hebrew Congregation, Silver Spring MD

 k9 Bluecoat

Chofetz Chayim (Lashon Horah) 1:8-9

The prohibition of Lashon Horah applies both when a person speaks verbally, as well as when he communicates the information through writing. There is also no difference whether he communicates the information clearly, or if he communicates it through a hint. In all cases it is considered Lashon Horah.

Communicates the information through writing: This is obvious, because even though there was no speech, he has still “struck his fellow in a hidden way.” (Devorim 27:24)

If he communicates it through a hint: On the verse “Do not go as a peddler” of information, Rashi says, “Like those who wink with their eyes to convey thoughts only to those with whom they wish to share their secrets.”

Chofetz Chayim (Richilus) 1:1-4

One who spreads news about his fellow is in violation of “One shall not go tale-bearing.” (Vayikra 19:16) This applies even if it is totally true and there is nothing bad about what he relates, if it causes pain or ill will.

Conditions of Purposeful Lashon Horah

  1. Definitely True, not from hearsay
  2. Clearly Wrong, not subjective opinion
  3. Reconciliation Attempted, private rebuke or dialogue
  4. No Exaggeration, mitigating circumstances considered
  5. Constructive Intent, (tone and forum will reflect intent)
  6. Other Solutions?
  7. No Greater Harm than if in Beis Din

Shalom Considerations in the world of virtual reality

Advocating for self imposed time and usage limits:

  • Risking Morality/ Torah turned to a Democratic/Popular vote

Question: What is your definition of an expert?

Blogs and Opinions

  • Relationship and Concentration disrupter (Distracted)

Multitasking, Consider animal cuddling, Privacy

Other People’s Lives [virtual looks],

Ego Booster: “I want to know who wants me” (Alone Together) + Afraid of face to face communication/ Skill Development

  • Addictive drain on time

Apps and Ads

Instant Messaging (texting)

Permission to Regulate

Cars: Signs, Speeding, Road Rage, Drunk Driving, Texting, Overtired

Food: Overeating, Cholesterol, Sugars

Recommended Reading: Klal Perspectives (Fall 2015), Technology and the 21st Century Orthodox Community

Related: You might like, NPR’s interview with Sherry Turkle, October 2012, author of “Alone Together”