(Regarding the topic of improper use of the Internet and “the addiction we dare not discuss,” please visit the video presentations featured on Guard Your Eyes https://gye.vids.io/ especially the sections of “Understanding Addiction,” “Technology Addiction,” and “Parenting”)
Presented by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
January 13, 2016 at Southeast Hebrew Congregation, Silver Spring MD
Chofetz Chayim (Lashon Horah) 1:8-9
The prohibition of Lashon Horah applies both when a person speaks verbally, as well as when he communicates the information through writing. There is also no difference whether he communicates the information clearly, or if he communicates it through a hint. In all cases it is considered Lashon Horah.
Communicates the information through writing: This is obvious, because even though there was no speech, he has still “struck his fellow in a hidden way.” (Devorim 27:24)
If he communicates it through a hint: On the verse “Do not go as a peddler” of information, Rashi says, “Like those who wink with their eyes to convey thoughts only to those with whom they wish to share their secrets.”
Chofetz Chayim (Richilus) 1:1-4
One who spreads news about his fellow is in violation of “One shall not go tale-bearing.” (Vayikra 19:16) This applies even if it is totally true and there is nothing bad about what he relates, if it causes pain or ill will.
Conditions of Purposeful Lashon Horah
- Definitely True, not from hearsay
- Clearly Wrong, not subjective opinion
- Reconciliation Attempted, private rebuke or dialogue
- No Exaggeration, mitigating circumstances considered
- Constructive Intent, (tone and forum will reflect intent)
- Other Solutions?
- No Greater Harm than if in Beis Din
Shalom Considerations in the world of virtual reality
Advocating for self imposed time and usage limits:
- Risking Morality/ Torah turned to a Democratic/Popular vote
Question: What is your definition of an expert?
Blogs and Opinions
- Relationship and Concentration disrupter (Distracted)
Multitasking, Consider animal cuddling, Privacy
Other People’s Lives [virtual looks],
Ego Booster: “I want to know who wants me” (Alone Together) + Afraid of face to face communication/ Skill Development
- Addictive drain on time
Apps and Ads
Instant Messaging (texting)
Permission to Regulate
Cars: Signs, Speeding, Road Rage, Drunk Driving, Texting, Overtired
Food: Overeating, Cholesterol, Sugars
Recommended Reading: Klal Perspectives (Fall 2015), Technology and the 21st Century Orthodox Community
Related: You might like, NPR’s interview with Sherry Turkle, October 2012, author of “Alone Together”
Rabbi Rhine,
I just wanted to let you know that I listened to your shiur on the Halachos of the Internet last night. . . .as you probably know, I do use email and internet quite a bit.
Thank you very much for the informative, clear, and helpful shiur. I plan to listen to it again…and probably review it again in the future as a good reminder of proper speech using the Internet.