Parashas Acharei

4 Items

Acharei Mos- I can’t change the past…

by teach613

I can’t change the past… by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The loss of Ahron’s sons was a great one. It was on the inauguration day of the Mishkan, a day of celebration, that Nadav and Avihu, caught up in the spiritual potential of the day, entered the holy area of the Mishkan without authorization. As a more »

Acharei- A Double Standard

by teach613

A Double Standard by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Kohein Gadol was special. Even among the Kohanim who served in the Beis Hamikdash,  the Kohein Gadol was the chosen one. To the public, his was a powerful position. He had the ability to lead and to rebuke as necessary. In private, he was the chosen one more »

Acharei Mos- In the After Math

by teach613

In the After Math by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The death of Ahron’s two sons hit the people very hard. It happened on inauguration day of the Mishkan, the Sanctuary they had dedicated so much to build. The Mishkan was supposed to be a “Love Palace” between G-d and the people. Now, two noble sons were more »

Parshas Acharei- Do you have a Seder? (Pre-Pesach 5774)

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Seder means order. And order is important. Take Pesach preparations for example. Did you ever try to Kosher the kitchen before cleaning it? Or, buy all your Pesach products before making place to put them? Doing things in order is truly the theme of the holiday. This is especially true at more »