
4148 of 48 items

Parshas Mishpatim- Free, Like a Bird

by teach613

The Parsha of Mishpatim/ laws begins with the law of the Jewish slave. The Jewish slave is quite unique in that he isn’t much of a slave at all. He must indeed serve his master with loyalty, but he in turn is treated in royal fashion. Our sages teach for example, “If there is only more »

Parshas Terumah- Volatile Rescue

by teach613

The Mishkan was a special place. The ambiance was structured so that here one could connect with Hashem in a very special way. Each one of the utensils was fashioned in a way that symbolized greatness. The Aron, for example, was structured with half measures (1 1/2 x 1 1/2 x 2 1/2) to symbolize more »

Parshas Tizaveh- L’Chayim To Life!!

by teach613

The Aron, or Ark, of the Sanctuary was fashioned in a most sophisticated way. In addition to the crown and ornaments adorning its top, the Aron was fashioned of three different boxes. The inner box was made of gold, the middle box was made of wood, and the outer box was made of gold. What more »

Parshas Tizaveh- Are You a Homeowner?

by teach613

The Service that took place in the Mishkan was designed to emulate the way that Hashem runs His world. After all, the Mishkan was meant to be a microcosm of the world. Through the Mishkan we discover how we can emulate Hashem in our own daily lives. For example, in the desert Hashem provided special more »

Parshas Ki Sisa- “I’m Waiting”

by teach613

The event of the golden calf was a great setback for the Jewish people. When Moshe didn’t come back immediately after their count of forty days had elapsed, people started getting nervous. “We do not know what has happened to Moshe.” So a group of people decided to replace Moshe with a new and powerful more »

Parshas Vayakheil – The Ambulance that Wasn’t Needed

by teach613

The Ambulance That Wasn’t Needed by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The fundraising efforts for the Mishkan were going quite well. In general it would be gauged as a massive success. Yet there was one group of people that did not donate right away and were censured for their delay. This group was none other than the more »

Parshas Pekudei- Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

by teach613

In addition to the Mishkan/Sanctuary which the Jews were told to build in the desert, the Medrash tells us that there was a second Sanctuary, a Sanctuary of Testimony. What exactly was the function of this second Sanctuary? When Moshe announced the mitzvah to build the Mishkan, the people were excited and donated generously. Despite more »

The Jewish Home

by teach613

The Parsha begins by reviewing the names of Yakov’s children who entered Egypt. One wonders: Why does the Torah need to repeat their names? Anyone who has been studying Torah until now hasn’t forgotten the names of Yakov’s children. Even more troubling is the order in which the brothers are listed. The list starts off more »