
3140 of 48 items

Mishpatim- Divide and Conquer

by Mordechai Rhine

Divide and Conquer by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Torah Judaism places much emphasis on financial law. Of the ten volumes in a contemporary set of Shulchan Aruch, (dealing with prayer, holidays, mezuzah, kashrus, matrimony, finances, and so much more) a complete three of the ten volumes are devoted to financial law. Yet, as important as law more »

Yisro- God: Yours to Discover

by Mordechai Rhine

G-d: Yours to Discover by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Of all the Parshiyos in the Torah, it could well be argued that Yisro is the most important Parsha. In it Hashem communicates the foundation of His relationship with the Jewish people. In preparation of the great Revelation at Sinai Hashem directs Moshe to share a preamble, more »

Bishalach- The Song of Miriam

by Mordechai Rhine

The Song of Miriam by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Jews stood at the edge of the sea in a spirit of exhilaration. They had just experienced the miracle of the splitting of the sea and now their redemption from Egypt was final. The feared Egyptian army lay dead, drowned in the sea. Led by Moshe, more »

Bo- Is Your Fare, Fair?

by Mordechai Rhine

Is Your Fare, Fair? or, What Are You Expecting? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Jews were ready to leave Mitzrayim. The plagues had taken their toll on the Mitzriyim, and the Jews in unison brought the Korban Pesach with great anticipation. They knew that after this mitzvah the call would come summoning them from their more »

Vaera- The Candy Man

by Mordechai Rhine

The Candy Man by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine More than 80 years of oppression had passed. Finally the Egyptians were being punished for enslaving the Jews. First the Nile was turned into blood; then a plague of frogs infested the land. Interestingly, when the frogs observed the directive to infest Egypt, the frogs went everywhere. They more »

Shemos- Anonymous You

by Mordechai Rhine

Anonymous You by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine It was a very difficult time. The slavery in Mitzrayim was exceptionally harsh and was taking a terrible toll. Even those who were not physically enslaved suffered as the fledgling Jewish nation experienced wonton killings, beatings, and searches for Jewish boys to be killed. It was at this time more »

Parshas Shemos- Beyond Professionalism

by teach613

Every generation has its special people. In Egypt two such people were called Shifra and Puah. Shifra and Puah were not their real names. Shifra’s real name was Yocheved, and would later give birth to Moshe. Puah was her daughter, known to us by her real name, Miriam. But as the midwives of the Jewish more »

Parshas Vaera- Keep the Vision

by teach613

Moshe is frustrated. Hashem told him to go to Pharoh and demand the release of the Jewish People. Moshe did so, and expected that the terrible slavery would abate as a result. Instead, Paroh increased the workload of the Jews. At the conclusion of last week’s portion Moshe turns to Hashem in frustration. “Why have You more »

Parshas Bo- Compulsive Greatness

by teach613

Compulsive Greatness by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the great enigmas in the story of the Exodus is Pharoh’s behavior. Each time a plague hits, Pharoh promises to release the Jews. Each time a plague ends and the threat is no longer imminent, Pharoh reverts to his position that the Jews must remain as slaves. more »

Parshas Yisro- “Yisro is Coming!”

by teach613

Parshas Yisro- “Yisro is Coming!” by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine A sense of excitement swept the camp. From tent to tent people whispered the news: “Yisro is coming!” Yisro was the father in law of Moshe. But, to the Jewish people he was much more than that. Yisro was the only advisor of Pharoh who took more »