
4 Items

Can You Taste the Afikoman?

by teach613

Can you taste the Afikoman? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine THAT time of year is finally upon us. The time when the children come home from school with all the projects for the Pesach Seder. I, with parents throughout the world, look on with a mixture of pride and confusion. Pride that the children know so more »

Pesach- Matzoh of Hope

by teach613

Matzoh of Hope by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine For me, one of the greatest moments of the Pesach Seder is “Yachatz,” when we break the middle matzoh. At that moment my memories turn fondly to the seder in my parent’s home where my father, an accountant by trade, always tries to break the matzoh into two more »

Pesach- As Only a Child Can

by teach613

As Only a Child Can by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The primary mitzvah of the night of the Seder is to communicate the story of the Exodus to the next generation.  But in Jewish tradition it is understood that this will not be accomplished by being preachy. Instead a dialogue is created in which the “child more »

Pesach- Where are you coming from?

by Mordechai Rhine

Where are you coming from? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Pesach seder revolves around one simple phrase. “Start with the negative, and conclude with the positive.” The Talmud records two views as to how this should be done, both of which are implemented in our hagadah. One view focuses on physical salvation and says, “We more »