
2130 of 37 items

Vayeitzei- Same Old :-)

by Mordechai Rhine

Same Old 🙂 by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Yakov had to flee from his parent’s home. His brother Esav was angry with him and wanted to kill him. So flee he did. The Torah records the event. “And Yakov left Be’er Sheva, and he went to Charan.” Rashi asks: Why does the Torah have to tell more »

Toldos- On the path of life…

by Mordechai Rhine

On the path of life… by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine “Behold I am going to die. Of what use is the firstborn status to me?” With these words Esav declared that his path of life was not the same as Yakov’s. What exactly was the firstborn status, and why did Esav see no use for it? more »

Noach-A Resilient People

by Mordechai Rhine

Noach-A Resilient People By Rabbi Mordechai Rhine “Noach was a good man.” That is clear from the Torah. Yet, the Talmud presents a discussion resulting from the words “a good man in his generation.” Some say this is meant to praise while others say this is meant to talk of a shortcoming. “In his generation,” more »

Vayeira- Parsha Questions- Chapter 18

by teach613

Rabbi Mordechai Rhine ~   Bireishis / Genesis Chapter 18, ArtScroll Chumash Pages 78-85   What was Avraham doing outside, “in the heat of the day”? A) He was waiting for a bus B) He was hoping for guests C) He was waiting for an ambulance D) He was hoping for Lot to come more »

Vayeira- Parsha Questions- Chapter 19

by teach613

Rabbi Mordechai Rhine ~   Bireishis / Genesis Chapter 19, ArtScroll Chumash Pages 84-91   Who hosts the angels when they get to Sedom? What does he serve them? Why? (verses 1-3, commentary to verse 3)     What did the people of Sedom want Lot to do to the guests? Why? (verse 5, more »

Vayeira- Parsha Questions- Chapter 20

by teach613

Rabbi Mordechai Rhine ~   Bireishis / Genesis Chapter 20, ArtScroll Chumash Pages 90-95   Give two reasons that caused Avraham to relocate from his location near Sedom. (commentary introducing Chapter 20)     How was Avraham related to Sarah? What did he claim? (verse 2)     What did Avimelech do? (verse 2) more »

Vayeira- Parsha Questions- Chapter 21

by teach613

Rabbi Mordechai Rhine ~   Bireishis / Genesis Chapter 21, ArtScroll Chumash Pages 94-99   How old was Avraham when Yitzchok was born? (verse 5)   What did Sorah see in Yishmoel that turned her off? (verse 9, with commentary pg 97)   Did Avraham want to listen to Sorah’s request? Why did he? more »

Vayeira- Parsha Questions- Chapter 22

by teach613

Rabbi Mordechai Rhine ~   Bireishis / Genesis Chapter 22, ArtScroll Chumash Pages 100-105   What did Hashem command Avraham to do? (verse 2 with commentary)   Who did Avraham take with him, besides Yitzchak? (commentary to verse 3)   What did the Angel tell Avraham? (verse 12)   What did Avraham sacrifice instead more »

Bireishis- Sermon to Self

by teach613

By Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Torah begins by stating that G-d created the world. Rashi asks a powerful question. We know that the Torah is not a history book. It is a book of lessons. Why doesn’t the Torah skip the discussion of creation and instead start with mitzvos and lessons of the Torah? Rashi more »

Noach: Sea-ing is believing

by teach613

By Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Great Flood was on its way. G-d had promised that if the people did not repent he would destroy the inhabitants of the world and start again. Only the righteous Noach and his family would be saved. Noach built a Teivah- or Ark- for his family. Soon afterwards it began more »