
2130 of 38 items

Parshas Maasei- This is not normal…

by Mordechai Rhine

“This is not normal…” by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Ask a group of Jews, “What is your most meaningful day on the Jewish calendar?” and you are bound to get a variety of answers. Some will say “Yom Kippur”. After all it is the holiest day of the year. Others will say “Pesach”. That’s when we more »

Parshas Pinchas- A Good Eye

by Mordechai Rhine

A Good Eye by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Moshe was nearing the completion of his career. Although he would have liked to continue and lead the Jewish people into the Land of Israel, Hashem told him that this was not to be. Instead Moshe was told, “Ascend the mountain, and look at the land which I more »

Parshas Chukas- Do you see what I see?

by Mordechai Rhine

Do you see what I see? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Torah describes an incident in which dangerous snakes attacked the Jews while they were in the desert. The people cried out for help and Moshe erected a pole with the image of a snake at its top. The Torah relates, “It was, that whoever more »

Parshas Matos- The Jewish Army

by Mordechai Rhine

The Jewish Army by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Jewish army was mobilized. Moshe gave the directive and the Jews prepared to wage war against Midian. “For they have harassed you with conspiracy…” It was a time for action. The strategy was simple. Each tribe would contribute three thousand soldiers. The medrash explains: One thousand would more »

Parshas Korach- The Propaganda War

by Mordechai Rhine

The Propaganda War by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Korach was an honorable man. He was one of the chosen few designated to carry the holy Aron. Then something went wrong. In this week’s Parsha we find him in a showdown with Moshe, the revered man of G-d. Korach tries to oust Aaron from the position of more »

Parshas Bamidbar- Are You Honor Able

by teach613

Are You Honor Able by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the important facets of the Jewish encampment in the desert was the personal flag that each tribe camped with. Just as an army rallies around its flag in battle, so each tribe camped with its appropriate flag, rallying around a theme that made that tribe more »

Parshas Maasei- Do you know your Alef Bais?

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The daughters of Tzelafchad were getting on in their years. All five women were remarkably righteous, but not yet married. Somehow they were not able to find suitable husbands. But when they approached Moshe for help they had something else in mind. Their father passed away in the desert, leaving no more »

Parshas Matos- “…are you expecting…?”

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the commandments of the Torah is “You shall be proper in front of G-d, and in front of people.” That is to say, if you are doing something which is perfectly allowed but appears to people as “very non-kosher,” you should either not do it, or you should explain more »

Parshas Matos- A Dollar and a Dream

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The stakes were high. The tribes of Reuvein and Gad believed that the land already conquered was best for them to pasture their enormous herds. Yet, Moshe was concerned that if they took the land already conquered the rest of the people would be demoralized. They would think that Reuvein and more »

Parshas Pinchas- The Key Whole

by teach613

The Key Whole by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Moshe’s request was simple but profound. He wanted G-d to choose a person who was right for the job. When Moshe was informed that his passing was imminent, he yearned that the person to replace him would be capable of leading the people properly. So he asked that more »