2124 of 24 items

Vayishlach: Alone!

by teach613

Yakov was on the verge of success. He had fulfilled his parents directive to go to the house of Lavan and get married. There he remained righteous despite the challenges, starting the Jewish family, and planning to build the Jewish nation on this strong foundation. But, “Yakov remained alone.” The commentaries explain that as they more »

Mikeitz: Chanukah Reflections: “Me Too!”

by teach613

By Rabbi Mordechai Rhine As Yakov entered Mitzrayim he was concerned. Would it be possible to raise the Jewish family in such an exile. He sent Yehuda ahead to start a Yeshiva which he hoped would teach and inspire his descendents. But it wasn’t until he saw Yosef’s sons, Efraim and Menashe, that he gained confidence more »

Vayigash – System Restore

by teach613

Yakov was preparing for the greatest challenge of his life. He was entering the land of Mitzrayim, a land known for its perversions and immorality. He was doing so with his entire family, some 70 people. And somehow, he strategized, he would manage to keep his family loyal to Hashem and to His code of more »

The Jewish Home

by teach613

The Parsha begins by reviewing the names of Yakov’s children who entered Egypt. One wonders: Why does the Torah need to repeat their names? Anyone who has been studying Torah until now hasn’t forgotten the names of Yakov’s children. Even more troubling is the order in which the brothers are listed. The list starts off more »