Posts by teach613

7180 of 159 items

Bichukosai- Choose Your Blessings

by teach613

Choose Your Blessings by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The rebuke, found in this week’s Parsha and also in the book of Devorim, is associated as well with blessing. In conjunction with the statements of what bad will befall the Jewish people if they do not treasure their relationship with Hashem and His mitzvos, the Torah also more »

Lag B’Omer Reflections: To Illuminate the Darkness

by teach613

Lag B’Omer Reflections: To Illuminate the Darkness by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Pesach marks the time of redemption from the slavery in Egypt; Shavuos marks the time when the Torah was given. The days of counting between Pesach and Shavuos are days of transition between freedom and what exactly what we intend to do with that more »

Emor- Reigning on the Parade

by teach613

Reigning on the parade The Medrash on this week’s parsha tells us that among the revelations that were revealed to Moshe, was, “Each generation and its wise people; each generation and its leaders.” Then the Medrash adds something that seems peculiar. The Medrash says that he was also shown, “Each generation and its wicked ones; more »

Acharei Mos- In the After Math

by teach613

In the After Math by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The death of Ahron’s two sons hit the people very hard. It happened on inauguration day of the Mishkan, the Sanctuary they had dedicated so much to build. The Mishkan was supposed to be a “Love Palace” between G-d and the people. Now, two noble sons were more »

Pesach- As Only a Child Can

by teach613

As Only a Child Can by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The primary mitzvah of the night of the Seder is to communicate the story of the Exodus to the next generation.  But in Jewish tradition it is understood that this will not be accomplished by being preachy. Instead a dialogue is created in which the “child more »

Metzorah- “I Don’t Know”

by teach613

“I Don’t Know” by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Dear Rebbe, It happened about midyear during fifth grade. It was our first week learning Talmud, and we were finding it both invigorating and challenging. The vocabulary was new, so were the concepts. It was a very sophisticated level of logic. And then it happened. We saw the more »

Tazria- Challenging the Myth

by teach613

Challenging the Myth by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine When Hashem showed Moshe the various afflictions called Tzoraas, Moshe became fearful. Hashem told him, “Do not worry. The ultimate goal of Tzoraas is to bring about goodness.” In what was does the affliction of Tzoraas bring about good? One type of Tzoraas is when the affliction appears more »

Shemini- Role Play

by teach613

Role Play by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Role play is an effective way to appreciate a situation from a someone else’s vantage point. Also, it enables a person to consider the proper behavior if they were to find themselves in a different situation. By assigning a proposed “Role” to a person they get to “try it more »

Parshas Pekudei- Do You Know How to Clap?

by teach613

Do You Know How To Clap? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Clapping is a skill that is useful throughout life. As children we clap with delight. As adults we clap to express admiration for a job well done. But clapping comes in a most personal form as well. Clapping is the joining of two dimensions that more »

Vayakheil- Discovering Love

by teach613

Discovering Love by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The campaign to raise donations for the Mishkan was a remarkable success. Even after the goals were reached people continued to offer more, until Moshe finally announced to stop. Such was the great motivation that people had to give. Interestingly, when the Torah was given at Sinai, Jewish tradition more »