Posts by teach613

6170 of 159 items

Vayeilech- The Mitzvah of Ambiance and Attitude

by teach613

The Mitzvah of Ambiance and Attitude by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The mitzvah of Hakheil was that the Jewish people should gather every seventh year and listen to words of Torah read by the king. The Torah states: “Gather the people- men, women, and children- so they will hear and learn…” The Talmud wonders why the more »

Ki Savo- Escaping the Phantoms

by teach613

Escaping the Phantoms by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Torah promises tremendous blessing for the Jewish people when they observe the mitzvos. “Blessed shall you be in the city; blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall you be when you come in; blessed shall you be when you go out.” As you read the more »

Ki Seitzei- When the chips are down

by teach613

When the chips are down by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Two of the most fascinating mitzvos in the Torah are the mitzvos of charity and loaning money without charging interest. Sometimes it is challenging to give up one’s own money to another person. “I too need MY money,” one might say. Even when considering a loan, more »

Shoftim- Do You Know You?

by teach613

Do You Know You? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The mitzvah of Eglah Arufa is well known. If a person was found killed outside of the city, the sages must come and, with great gravity, perform a ritual acknowledging the loss. They must declare that it was not due to their negligence that the person was more »

Re’eh- The Fisherman Who Got Away

by teach613

The Fisherman Who Got Away by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine As we near the conclusion of the Torah-reading cycle, the Torah informs us that the stakes are high. One who is righteous will be rewarded; one who is wicked will be punished. The Torah states this in very clear terms. “See, I am placing before you more »

Eikev- Planting With Tears

by teach613

Planting with Tears by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Certain phrases in Jewish Scripture are associated with particular connotations in the collective Jewish memory. One example is the word “Eicha.” From the word “Ayecha”– said to Adam after the first sin, when G-d asked him, “Where are you? What is going to be with you?” –to the more »

Pinchas- Becoming Grand

by teach613

Becoming Grand by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine It was in the midst of a rebellion against Moshe that Pinchas took action. As a plague of punishment swept the camp Pinchas killed the leader of the rebellion, and put an end to the rebellion and the plague that it caused. In return for restoring peace between Hashem more »

Chukas- Just Trying to Here You

by teach613

Just Trying to Here You by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Parshas Chukas introduces quite boldly the concept of a mitzvah that we do not understand. Although we know that mitzvos are good, sometimes we can’t understand what Hashem had in mind. We may sometimes wonder  “Why indeed should a specific behavior be considered so significant, such more »

Korach- When All Else Fails…

by teach613

When All Else Fails…   By Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The story of Korach is a remarkable one. Korach was a man who was afflicted with jealousy. He wished that he had been chosen as Kohein Gadol instead of Ahron. Korach stages a rebellion against Moshe which is successful enough that Moshe is concerned that the more »

Beha’aloscha- How Are You Doing?

by teach613

How are you doing? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Yisro, the father in law of Moshe, had come to check on the Jewish people and was impressed. He prepared to go back home where, he hoped, he would be able to share the message of the Jewish people with his relatives. Yet, Moshe objected. “Do not more »