Posts by teach613

5160 of 159 items

Bishalach- Unconditional Love

by teach613

Unconditional Love by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Exodus from Egypt was a noteworthy event. Yet, four days after the Exodus the Egyptians decided to chase after the Jews. In yet another dramatic experience G-d dried the Red Sea and led the Jewish people through to safety. When the Egyptians entered the waterbed G-d returned the more »

Bo- Into Uncharted Waters

by teach613

Into Uncharted Waters by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Jewish people were on the go. The long-awaited time of the Exodus had finally come. But, it couldn’t have been easy. The goal was to bring the Jewish people to a state of being a princely and G-dly people. This would be no small accomplishment. They had more »

Vaera- Our Teacher Moshe

by teach613

Our Teacher Moshe by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The dramatic moments leading up to the Exodus had arrived. Finally, the mighty Egyptian empire would be judged for its crimes. Suddenly, the Torah’s momentum in describing the events slows, and the Torah pauses to describe Moshe’s lineage. An entire section of verses is devoted to describing his more »

Shemos- With a Twinkle in Your Eye

by teach613

With a Twinkle in Your Eye by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Perhaps the greatest gift that Yakov bequeathed to his family is the gift of group dynamics. In the quest to achieve greatness in Torah and mitzvos, Yakov’s expectation was that not everyone will excel in everything. Instead, as a team, we will partner to success. more »

Chanukah- Keep Your Eye on the Light

by teach613

Keep Your Eye on the Light by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Perhaps the most famous question associated with the holiday of Chanukah is the question of the Beis Yosef: If the Jews found oil that would last for one day, and it lasted for eight days, then the miracle was only for seven days. Why do more »

Chanuka- The Message of the Dreidel

by teach613

The Message of the Dreidel by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Chanukah is the celebration of Jewish continuity. The events that we commemorate took place while the Jews were in the Land of Israel, during the time of the Second Temple (c.165 BCE). The Syrian-Greeks outlawed mitzvah observance and threatened to destroy Judaism. It was through the more »

Vayishlach- Unified in Diversity

by teach613

Unified in Diversity by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Parshas Vayishlach begins with a description of how Yakov prepared for battle. The Torah relates that, as Esav approached him, Yakov was truly afraid that a major battle would erupt. Yakov divided the people that were with him into two camps, and said, “If Esav manages to be more »

Toldos- Circular Reasoning

by teach613

Circular Reasoning by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Esav was a remarkable personality. He was the son of Yitzchok and Rivkah, and the brother of Yakov. The medrash says that for the first 15 years of their lives both Yakov and Esav went to yeshiva. It was only after those first 15 years that Esav chose a more »

Noach- Watering the Eternal Ark

by teach613

Watering the Eternal Ark by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Noach built a Teiva and he used it well. For just over a year he, his family, and the animals of the world stayed on this Ark, and through it were protected from the flood. Once the Ark had served its purpose, however, it was discarded. Let more »

Bireishis, Great Discoveries

by teach613

Great Discoveries by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the most startling stories ever is the story that occurred just after creation, the story of mankind eating from the fruit of the forbidden tree. The Torah relates (Bireishis 2:25) that, before the sin, mankind saw nothing wrong with going unclothed. After the sin, man says, “I more »