Posts by teach613

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Parshas Matos- “…are you expecting…?”

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the commandments of the Torah is “You shall be proper in front of G-d, and in front of people.” That is to say, if you are doing something which is perfectly allowed but appears to people as “very non-kosher,” you should either not do it, or you should explain more »

Parshas Matos- A Dollar and a Dream

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The stakes were high. The tribes of Reuvein and Gad believed that the land already conquered was best for them to pasture their enormous herds. Yet, Moshe was concerned that if they took the land already conquered the rest of the people would be demoralized. They would think that Reuvein and more »

Parshas Pinchas- The Key Whole

by teach613

The Key Whole by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Moshe’s request was simple but profound. He wanted G-d to choose a person who was right for the job. When Moshe was informed that his passing was imminent, he yearned that the person to replace him would be capable of leading the people properly. So he asked that more »

Parshas Balak- Critical Moments

by teach613

Critical Moments by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine In every person’s life there are critical moments which decide the future, often for generations. One such moment occurred to Bilam who was hired to curse the Jews. As Bilam passed through a narrow passageway, an angel of mercy is sent to try to stop him from destroying himself. more »

Parshas Chukas- The Sweetest Question

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The age of the “red cow” is in dispute. According to Rabbi Eliezer is was brought at the age of 2; according to the sages it was brought at the age of 3. The medrash tells us that when Moshe was taught the topic and was told of the dispute, he more »

Parshas Korach- Purchasing Power

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The story of Korach is most instructive. Korach staged a rebellion against Moshe because he would have liked to have been the Kohein Gadol, the High Priest. Instead Ahron, Moshe’s brother, was appointed, and Korach could not sit still. The Medrash tells us that Yosef hid treasures in Egypt, and “one more »

Parshas Acharei- Do you have a Seder? (Pre-Pesach 5774)

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Seder means order. And order is important. Take Pesach preparations for example. Did you ever try to Kosher the kitchen before cleaning it? Or, buy all your Pesach products before making place to put them? Doing things in order is truly the theme of the holiday. This is especially true at more »

Parshas Shelach- Climbing the Mountain

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The great moment had finally arrived. The Jewish people were ready to enter the Promised Land. As they prepared themselves to enter, they had a simple request. “Let us send spies to report on the land.” Although the men chosen for this historic mission were of great caliber, surprisingly, they came more »

Parshas Beha’aloscha- Are you for real?

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Our teacher Moshe, was unique. Known to us as “the father of prophecy” he is the only prophet to have communicated so directly with Hashem. “Like a man speaks with his friend,” so was the communication of Hashem with Moshe. At the conclusion of the Revelation at Sinai, Hashem told Moshe more »

Parshas Naso- Shalom Bayis: A Worthwhile Investment

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine In this week’s parsha we read the story of the Sotah, the woman who is suspected of being unfaithful. Her husband accuses her of improper behavior. She denies wrongdoing. The Torah provides a system to break the deadlock. “Write this portion of Torah [with ink] then dissolve it into water.” Miraculously, more »