Posts by teach613

101110 of 159 items

Parshas Bamidbar- Are You Honor Able

by teach613

Are You Honor Able by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the important facets of the Jewish encampment in the desert was the personal flag that each tribe camped with. Just as an army rallies around its flag in battle, so each tribe camped with its appropriate flag, rallying around a theme that made that tribe more »

Parshas Shoftim- If looks could kill…

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine It was truly a tragedy. A person was found killed not far from the city. Law enforcement officials were called to the scene, but for all their efforts they could not find the killer. Totally at a loss, they followed the Torah directive for such a case. They called the High more »

Parshas Shoftim- When the Chips Are Down

by teach613

By Rabbi Mordechai Rhine  Two of the most fascinating mitzvos in the Torah are the mitzvos of charity and loaning money without charging interest. Sometimes it is challenging to give up one’s own money to another person. “I too need MY money,” one might say. Even when considering a loan, one might ask, “Must I more »

Parshas Re’eh- The Pregnant Spoon

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the readily understood commands of the Torah is “You shall not detract from Torah.” If not for this command, every generation would feel entitled to undo the mitzvos that they think are outdated. G-d is assuring us that the Torah is Divine. It speaks to the essence of human more »

Parshas Re’eh- Miraculously Unbelievable

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Let’s say a miracle man would arrive in town. The locals would be duly impressed by his talents and expertise. But what if he started sharing a message which differed from Torah and mitzvos? I contend that the Jews would opt out. Do you know why? Because miraculously speaking we are more »

Parshas Eikev- Planting with Flowers

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Little things count. That is the message of the blessings described in this week’s Torah portion. The blessing that G-d will “love you, bless you, multiply you, and save you from illness,” is granted to you, “If you will observe the nuances of the mitzvos.” Traditional commentaries explain the observance of more »

Parshas Eikev- The Best Investment

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the famous verses in the Torah is the one in which Moshe says, “All that Hashem asks of you is to fear Him and do His mitzvos.” The Talmud asks: Is fear of Hashem really so small an expectation? Rav Shimon Schwab observes that the Hebrew word for ask, more »

Parshas Va’eschanan- Shabbos of Comfort

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Shabbos which follows Tishah B’Av is known as Shabbos Nachamu, the Shabbos of Comfort. After we experienced the mourning of Tishah B’Av our focus turns to comfort and recovery. For example, the verse from the prophet Yeshaya which is chosen to express the theme of this Shabbos is the verse: more »

Parshas Devorim- The Price of Peace

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The nine days of mourning, which culminate with Tishah B’Av, are a time of mourning for the loss of the Beis Hamikdash. During these days we mourn not only the physical loss of the Beis Hamikdash, but also the loss of the special love relationship that we once had with Hashem. more »

Parshas Maasei- Do you know your Alef Bais?

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The daughters of Tzelafchad were getting on in their years. All five women were remarkably righteous, but not yet married. Somehow they were not able to find suitable husbands. But when they approached Moshe for help they had something else in mind. Their father passed away in the desert, leaving no more »