Posts by teach613

91100 of 159 items

Vayeitzei- Thanks-Giving

by teach613

Thanks-Giving by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Yakov set out from his parent’s home to find a wife in the house of his uncle, Lavan. When Yakov was told that Lavan is a most deceitful person, he replied, “I am his match.” (Rashi to 29:12) “I know the ways of liars,” Yakov declared, “and I will be more »

Toldos- The Pig and Esav, A Perek Shirah Perspective

by teach613

The Pig and Esav, A Perek Shirah Perspective by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Pork is anathema to the Jew. Even those who do not diligently observe Kosher will steer clear of products that come from a pig. What is it about the pig that creates such revulsion among our people? The Medrash tells us that the more »

Chayei Sorah- Naturally Miraculous

by teach613

Naturally Miraculous By Rabbi Mordechai Rhine   Eliezer, the loyal servant of Avraham, sets out on his mission to find a wife for Yitzchak. When he arrives at the well he turns to Hashem in prayer. He asks that he be presented with a girl who will generously agree to give water to both him more »

Vayeira- When the Apple Does Fall

by teach613

When the Apple Does Fall by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Lot, the beloved nephew of Avraham, had severed ties. At first he just flirted with the wicked city of Sedom. He set up his tents in such a way that the edge of his camp neighbored with theirs. But soon he saw their fertile lands and more »

Bireishis- That was easy

by teach613

That was easy by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The creation of the world, as described in this week’s Parsha, is something that intrigues people, religious and not-religious alike. For the religious, contemplating creation infuses a person with great reverence for Hashem. For the not-religious it is a source of frustration by which human beings try to more »

On Communication

by teach613

On Communication by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The days between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are days of communication. “Seek Hashem when He is close,” refers to this special time. It is an opportunity to reflect, to reassess, and to take action. Our generation is a generation of communication. From texting to internet we feel empowered. more »

“Tickets, Please!”

by teach613

“Tickets Please!” A Pre-Rosh Hashana Message By Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The period preceding Rosh Hashana is a time for rebuilding relationships. “Ani Lidodi V’Dodi Li,” I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me is the theme of these days. A key part of rebuilding a relationship with anyone is communication. The same more »

Parshas Ki Savo- First Things First

by teach613

First Things First The Jewish farmer was really glad. His trees had blossomed beautifully this year, and now a record crop of fruit was ready to be harvested. It was a busy time. But high on his “to do” list was to go to Yerusholayim and fulfill the special mitzvah of Bikurim. He came to more »

Parshas Ki Seitzei- Home Run

by teach613

Home Run by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine It was a tragic moment; but they did the best they could under the circumstances. A Jewish soldier found a non-Jewish girl on the battlefield and wanted to marry her. The woman was placed there by the enemy to entice the Jewish soldiers and distract them from their important more »

Va’eschanan- Can you do it?

by teach613

Can you do it? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Following the remarkable revelation at Sinai, Hashem offered to continue communicating directly with the entire people. It was the chance of a lifetime.But the people turned it down. Looking back at that moment, Moshe declares, “You turned me into a woman.” What did Moshe mean by that? more »