Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine, originally of Monsey, NY, has served in the field of Rabbonus for over 20 years. He is the founder and director of TEACH613, promoting Jewish education through classes and virtual media, as well as the director of CARE Mediation which specializes in marriage mediation. He also serves as administrator of the Geirus Beis Din of the Vaad of Greater Washington.
Rabbi Rhine holds Semicha from Rabbi Berel Wein and from Rabbi Shmuel Meir Katz. He received a Masters in Rabbinic and Talmudic Studies from Beth Medrash Gevoha, as well as an MA in Educational Leadership from Bellevue University.
Rabbi Rhine is the author of “The Magic of Shabbos: A Journey Through the Shabbos Experience,” (1998) which received an approbation from Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, then Chief Ashkenazic Rabbi of Israel. Rabbi Rhine is also the producer of “The Perek Shirah Collection” (2012) an audio series on Scriptural Zoology available by donation through this web site.
Rabbi Rhine’s passion for teaching Torah is evident in the variety of Torah topics that he presents on, including the Take Ten for Talmud series highlighting key points on the entire Talmud. His joy is to share the warmth of Torah and to connect with Jews of all backgrounds, helping each individual reach their potential and achieve their goals.
Rebbetzin Yittie Rhine, originally from Brooklyn, New York, holds a Masters Degree from Long Island University in Speech Language Pathology and works part time in that field. She has experience counseling women of all ages, and coordinates the “Lighting and Learning,” program, encouraging women to light Shabbos candles on time, and then study as a merit for Cholim.
The Rhines live in Baltimore, MD, where they run a lively, warm, and open home, with the help of their seven delightful children.
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