“A person cannot release himself from his limitations on his own.

He needs a helper.” -Talmud

“Two is Better Than One.” – Koheles 4:9

Rabbi Rhine is available for in person or online coaching focusing on relationships and personal growth.

  • Do you have a relationship which you wish was so much better?
  • Do you feel that you can be so much more, but don’t quite know how to do it?

Experience the joy of goal-setting, problem solving, and conflict resolution.

Typical meetings are 30 minutes sessions by Zoom.

Choose from the topics below and step forward to be the best you can be:

Personal Satisfaction and Self Actualization-

Consider this: “Everyone is smart in different ways. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking that it is stupid.”


“The crown of elders is grandchildren, and the glory of children is their parents.”- Mishlei 17:6

Explore the steps and strategies to get there.

Relationships, Dating, and Marriage-

Consider this: A person is like a wilting flower, awaiting water and sunshine. Give a compliment, share a conversation, and the person and the relationship will blossom.

Classic mediation is when two people have differences and are looking to reconcile or strike a deal. We have found that many mediation skills can be practiced personally as well. Even if the other party is not personally participating in the coaching sessions, the skills we explore can make a great difference in the relationship.

Mitzvah Coaching-

“When you get to Heaven after 120, you will not be asked why you weren’t Moshe or Maimonides. You will be asked if you were you at your best.”

For more information please visit https://www.care-mediation.com/

Rabbi Mordechai Rhine believes in the enormous potential in you. As a congregational rabbi for 18 years he guides with optimism and strives to break down the challenges into mini-steps of successful living. He holds a Masters degree in Rabbinic and Talmudic Studies (Beth Medrash Gevoha), a Masters in Educational Leadership (Bellevue University), and is a certified mediator.

Rabbi Rhine also offers Mediation Services. To find out more, please click here.

Please note that these coaching and mediation services do not provide therapy, medical, legal, or financial advice. The services that Rabbi Rhine provides are exclusively to facilitate competent adults towards actualizing goals that have been appropriately determined through appropriate medical, legal, or financial advice.